Tag: steam

  • PATCH version 0.9 is now live!

    PATCH 0.9 – New upgrade tree.– Added option to reroll once per level up (cost 25 gold).– HARMONY upgrade (rotating gun) now shoots ammo for the gun you’re currently using.– Pierce now applies to all guns. Some guns already pierce all enemies (Flamethrower, Chain Lightning, and Crossbow).– Fixed a crash related to max unlocks /…

  • GUN KING version 0.8.3 is now live!

    Let me first say thank you to everyone who has supported and provided feedback. This patch has been in the works for far to long and I apologize for how long it has taken. Those that participated in the open playtest have seen most of what’s in this patch. It’s essentially the open playtest version…

  • Out now on Steam Early Access!

    Gun King has launched on Steam Early Access!

  • Gun King Steam Demo

    Slightly late on this post, but the Gun King demo is now available on steam. Check it out and let me know your thoughts. Trying to get the word out and getting people to actually try the game has proven much more difficult then I initially thought. It’s been about a week since putting the…

  • Demo Live on Itch.io

    Just released a playable demo of Gun King on Itch. The Steam version of the demo will be available soon. Just waiting on the review process (generally 1-3 days).

  • Steam Store Page Live

    The review process was successfully finished and the Gun King steam page is now live. Click above to Wishlist if you haven’t already. We’re going to be doing a public demo soon. No official date yet, but we’re working to get it out as soon as possible.