PATCH version 0.9 is now live!


– New upgrade tree.
– Added option to reroll once per level up (cost 25 gold).
– HARMONY upgrade (rotating gun) now shoots ammo for the gun you’re currently using.
– Pierce now applies to all guns. Some guns already pierce all enemies (Flamethrower, Chain Lightning, and Crossbow).
– Fixed a crash related to max unlocks / gold.
– Fixed an issue unlocking mods when collecting gold and quitting to menu. Fix should account for any other potential issues unlocking mods.
– Fixed an issue causing the second rotating gun not to spawn.
– Added finished art assets for wave mode level.
– Fixed a crash involving the chain lightning gun / laser gun and the rotating gun upgrade.
– Fixed a crash involving the healing from the “QUIET MOVE” upgrade.
– Fixed spawning pawns potentially getting stuck in walls in wave mode.
– Fixed an issue where the bullet bounce upgrade was applying the wrong knockback direction.
– Fixed some text alignment issues.
– Achievement for wins can now be earned in either quick play or normal.
– Being hit when the shield upgrade is active no longer counts as being hit (related to “Cake” achievement).
– Adjusted throw rate for grenade throwing pawn (throw less frequently). The grenades now also damage enemies.
– Various other minor bug fixes.